Thank You Letter Resources

The meaning of your gratitude

Our scholarship donors appreciate hearing from their recipients and learning how their generosity is helping students realize their personal and professional dreams. A short note from you affirms the value and significance of their contributions and encourages their continued support for others. Your thank you letter is also a way for your donor to learn more about you and your aspirations.

Writing guidelines

When you receive your scholarship award, you’ll also be provided with a thank you letter template shown here. The template includes ideas on how to structure your letter.

Thank you Letter Template

Select and respond to the question prompts in the right-hand column and don’t forget to upload a photo of yourself. This adds a personal touch to your letter.

  • Refer to the name of the scholarship in your letter.
  • Grammar and spelling should be checked and correct — remember this is an academic award. Have someone review your letter before submitting.
  • Be genuine and sincere in the tone of your thank you letter.
  • Convey your message of thanks clearly and somewhat concisely (keep your note to a couple of paragraphs).
  • If you received multiple donor-funded scholarships, please submit a letter for each scholarship.

Sending your letters

Most recipients are directed to upload their scholarship Thank You letter directly to our scholarship portal. Detailed instructions are provided in your scholarship notification. Students should download the Thank You Letter Template and save their completed letter as a Microsoft Word file for submission.

If you have any questions about writing your thank you note or how to submit the completed letter, please contact [email protected].